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In broad terms, Administrative Law governs legal disputes that arise between a Government Agency or Department and an individual or company. An Administrative dispute includes, inter alia, circumstances where an individual or company requests the review of a Government decision or the prevention or the prevention of any specific action being enforced by a Government Department.

Administrative law covers a wide range of matters which are usually considered, at first instance, by an organisation (such as a review board). If the decision is then appealed, and there is jurisdiction to do so, the matter may be heard before a Court or tribunal (depending on several factors).

Did someone make a very bad decision that has affected your lifestyle, finances, work opportunities, happiness or enjoyment of life?

Are you upset that no one has listened to your side of the story, and that no one gave you the chance to present your case before that bad decision was made by a decision-maker?

Or perhaps you may find that your local council has suddenly made a decision to (without informing you) re-zone your land from mixed commercial use to residential use, meaning you can no longer use that land for business purposes.

Or perhaps the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority has suddenly reduced the trading hours of your pub without giving you proper notice or reasons.

We can be your voice. We will stand up and appeal against the unfairness of the decision that was made against you.

Administrative law matters usually involve careful consideration of various rules, practices and procedures specific to the case at hand. We can assist you with matters relating to:

  • the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)
  • government decisions involving Centrelink and Social Security
  • taxation issues
  • Working with Children Checks
  • the Ombudsman
  • disputes with the Australian Defence Force (Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force)
  • information and privacy including the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Please talk to us so that we can help you. We help clients on both sides of the fence.

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