Sexual abuse claims

Mar 23, 2023 | Publication

Whether the abuse occurred when you were a child or an adult, we are here to support you through the claim process. It is our aim to assist you with this process so that you are able to own your entitlement, making life that little bit easier which sometimes only financial relief can do.

Although it may be a confronting thought, rest assured we will deal with the paperwork and solicitors for you to make things as simple as possible. Your matter will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence.

Dealing with so many of these matters, though unfortunate the circumstances may be, we are able to gain the most for you with the experience this brings. With that, we also have access to an experienced range of expert medical practitioners who regularly provide evidence as to the trauma such events have caused and, in many instances, still cause.

Whether the claim be against an individual, professional, government organisation, institution, teacher, employer or religious organisation, it is important to be informed about what you may be entitled to and whether there are any time limitations applicable to commencing a civil claim.

The National Redress Scheme, available until 30 June 2027, offers compensation and support to applicable persons who have sustained abuse in an institution which has joined this Scheme. If you do accept compensation from the National Redress Scheme however, it is likely that you will be precluded from pursuing a civil claim which usually results in a larger pay out. 

With the commencement of a civil claim, some abuse claims have no time limitation periods. Other abuse claims have a time limitation period of three years. Although it is important not to be discouraged if the abuse occurred many years ago, it is also important to know where you stand.

When determining the amount of damages to be awarded in a civil lawsuit for historic sexual abuse, a court will take into account a range of factors, including the severity of the abuse, the length of time it occurred, and the impact it has had on the plaintiff’s life. If the plaintiff is suffering from a psychiatric disorder as a result of the abuse, this may be considered a significant factor in assessing the impact on their life.

It is important to note that every case is unique, and the specific details of the case will be taken into account when determining the amount of damages to be awarded. It is recommended that anyone who is considering bringing a lawsuit for historic sexual abuse speak with a qualified lawyer who can provide advice on their particular situation.

We are here to help you navigate through these difficult and complex issues and recommend that you arrange a meeting with us, free of charge.

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